Strategies to help your child pay attention while learning

Is your child focused on learning? or Are they easily distracted by their friends and the internet?
They may be daydreaming, looking out of the window, or focusing on irrelevant noises or other stimuli. As a result, they miss lessons, instructions, and directions.
Which can make them lag behind in class, and lose lots of time
As parents, we want our children to be successful and for that paying attention, and observation are necessary skills for them.
Here are 4 strategies that will improve your child’s attention span :
Theoretical learning is the primary reason that distracts children in ongoing classes.
The child cannot concentrate on the words explained by the teacher for more than 20 to 30 minutes.
Because in their mind, they have to visualize the same concept and imagine…which takes a toll on their energy, thus
Practical learning helps children learn while doing activities so that they can see where it will be used in their lives, and understand its importance.
Play Memory Games
Memory games help children to remember and focus better. Add memory games in their free time or while explaining to them some concept related to their learning topic.
Examples of games:-
a) Rubik Cube
b) Abacus
c) Picture Bingo
d) What’s missing
e) Chess
Break the task into pieces
When children do the same task for a long time, they are often bored and lose concentration. Set small milestones for them so they don’t feel overwhelmed. Dividing the goal into smaller parts makes it easier to reach the goal and allows it to be completed on time.
Fix a routine :
Without a proper routine, children struggle to complete their regular tasks which affect their physical and mental health. Create a routine for them following their regular activities
By doing the same thing at the same time every day, it will become a habit. If they repeat the same thing, they don’t have to make a lot of effort to concentrate. You will see them doing it themselves according to the routine and you don’t have to run behind them every time.
Create a school dashboard
For the above strategy, creating a school dashboard will help your child to pre-plan their activities at the school and work according to it. Here the plus benefits it, they will not forget the school homework, assignments and projects.
Some kids struggle with attention more than others.
All of OLL’s classes are practical and project-based, to make sure kids are getting real-life experiences, they are engaging and interactive and kids play games and ask doubts, and get answers in real-time, Small group classes, for kids to make friends and create together.
Here are a few recommended courses for kids to increase their concentration.